
Our class is like Alexander the Great teaching Dad's Army. Sifu Waller's not even trying. It's unbelievably powerful and looks like nothing. It's beyond impressive.

I think it's the ease and speed at which Sifu Waller does it. It's like a magician with a sleight of hand but obviously with potentially deadly consequences. It's amazing to watch and utterly awe inspiring.

Sifu Waller is incredibly quick sometimes it's impossible to get your head around it.

The more I get into this, the more I realise how lucky we are as a class. Most people could look their whole lives and never find anything close. I find the class to be very empowering.

(Karen Laws) 



A taijiquan student will never be asked to wear a top hat, a leotard or to pull a rabbit out of a hat. But you will get to do some pretty amazing things. And no tricks or fooling people.

There are some incredible abilities in the syllabus. Arcane skills. And you can learn them all. But they are not magical. They are the product of patience, practice and persistence.

But first, you must work on freeing your mind.


Beyond thought

The I Ching teaches us that events, people and circumstances coalesce to create 'the moment'. In order to get the most benefit, we have to align ourselves perfectly with what is taking place.

This is 'wu wei'. Not forcing. The challenge facing us is that the moment is instantaneous, unique and not reproducible. It continually changes. In order to deal with this, we must flow.

That is why we learn to listen, to feel, to be sticky, to follow. Thinking won't help at all.



In taijiquan you need to become exceptionally sensitive. You need to be capable of 'listening' to what is happening. You need to adapt, change and improvise again and again and again.

Our drills cultivate these skills. If they did not, what purpose would they serve? As you become increasingly competent, you are less and less able to explain just how you defended yourself.

You just did it and it worked. This is tzu-jan.


Beyond words

Words have severe limitations. Not everything will fit the form of words. Can you explain the colour red to a blind person? The taste of a dosa pancake to somebody who has never eaten one?

What love feels like? An orgasm? When an expert (in any field of study) shows a spontaneous demonstration of skill, they are drawing upon experience and abilities that are largely intuitive.

The skill comes from the subconscious mind.


Qi magic?

The magical skills of taijiquan are not common in modern society. 

The reason for this is simple. People are quick to dismiss biomechanical and mind skills in favour of qi. Qi is a quick and lazy answer.

It requires no deeper explanation. It is akin to a conclusion.


We like the feeling of being in charge of our thoughts and actions, and abandoning our sense of free will feels rather uncomfortable. However, magicians have developed powerful ways of manipulating your thoughts, and they can influence many of the choices you make. For example, the magician may ask you to choose a card from a deck of playing cards, and while you feel you have an entirely free choice, the magician made you choose one particular card. This is known as forcing and is a principle by which magicians covertly guide you towards a predetermined choice.

(Gustav Kuhn)


Cup is full

There is an over-used Asian example whereby a teacher pours tea into the student's cup until it spills over. The student urgently tells the teacher to stop pouring.

The teacher explains that the student's mind is like the cup; it is already full of ideas and preconceptions. Until they empty out what they already think, no new knowledge can be comprehended.



When a new student begins to learn taijiquan they are not allowed to use muscular tension. The muscles must remain relaxed at all times. The importance of optimal alignment is emphasised.

Over-reaching, sweating, exertion and force are all rejected. This is bewildering for the student. They feel lost and confused. This is a good starting place.


Research on magic highlights that we are not only wrong about the amount we see, but also about the extent to which we can trust the things we see and remember. As we are learning more about the mind, it has become apparent that most of our experiences are an illusion. Of all of these illusions it’s the illusion of free will that I find most unsettling.
(Gustav Kuhn)


Awe & wonder

When a taijiquan student discovers that they can reproduce an unexpected outcome repeatedly; in varying and unpredictable circumstances, their confidence grows. They seek to gain new power and skill.


Much of our work on misdirection reveals that the gaps in our conscious experience are bigger than most of us had assumed. As you look at your surroundings, you experience the world as a rich and complete sensory experience. However, our research on misdirection illustrates that this conscious experience is a powerful illusion. Our true perception is full of gaps and holes, and much more removed from reality than most of us imagine. I spend much of my time studying these types of illusions, and even though I know my brain is being tricked, I still struggle to appreciate just how little I am truly conscious of. It’s a very compelling illusion and one that is very difficult to break.

(Gustav Kuhn)


Stop fighting

At some point a taijiquan student lets go of their preconceptions and just does what they are being told to do. They stop being awkward, arguing and over-analysing everything... And suddenly it works.

Freed from self-consciousness, the art emerges and the skill is just there. This is called 'tzu-jan'. It happened without being forced. Typically the student is sceptical; convinced that there's a trick.

They question their practice partner - leery of unwanted compliance. This is a normal response and quite reasonable. So, the situation is reproduced or the roles reversed. The same thing happens again.


It doesn't make sense...

Taijiquan new starters always make the mistake of trying to understand something unfamiliar in terms of the known. They want to get a handle on the training. They want reassurance and security.

They want to feel confident. Not knowing is daunting. But it is the truth. You cannot possibly understand taijiquan in terms of anything else.



Instead of thinking about qi, turn your attention to the human mind. Now that is a fascinating subject, and a bona fide mystery. We use the word 'mind' quite readily and freely, but do we know what it is?

Philosophers and scientists have explored the workings of the mind for a very long time now. Yet, nobody knows quite how the mind affects the body or even what the mind is. 

There are many scientific studies exploring how our thoughts directly affect our health and wellbeing. In taijiquan, the role of the mind is significant.



It is tempting for many new starters to read about qi and believe that some kind of mystical energy is going to power their art. Be prepared for disappointment. You still need to exercise the body.

There will be no 'mystical' moments where qi does the work for you.


This research on misdirection has important real-world implications. It is often important to accurately judge our own cognitive abilities, and misjudgments can have fatal consequences. For example, most people underestimate the extent to which their attention is misdirected by a phone call. Research has shown that talking even on a hands-free phone has the same detrimental impact on your driving as being over the drink-drive limit. However, since we overestimate our own abilities, we don’t notice the impact this technological misdirection has on our performance.

(Gustav Kuhn)


Taiji magic?

Unlike magic, taijiquan skills are real. But akin to magic, unless you are adept at the art yourself, you have no way of knowing how they performed the feat. This is no different to being an acrobat.
How many people can backflip? Play a Mozart piece, build a mobile phone or dive to the bottom of the ocean?

There's no magic involved. There's no trick. You're not being fooled. But there is certainly skill.


Appearances are deceptive

The skills of taijiquan sometimes appear to be impossible. They are unusual feats. 
But is it magic?

No. Not at all...


The Art of War

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu points out that All warfare is based on deception. He strongly encourages indirect, circuitous strategies, misdirection, deceit and cunning. Standing toe-to-toe is not advised.

His book contains 13 chapters dedicated to being dishonest concerning one's intentions.


Hong Kong cinema

In Chinese history and folklore the ancient Taoist sages were imbued with magical powers and abilities. This was transferred to the martial arts. Qi energy lightning bolts, flying and so on...

Martial arts movies continued this trend; often focusing upon fantasy/the impossible - rather than real world skills.


Magic deals with some of the most fundamental psychological and philosophical questions. What do you believe to be possible? What is consciousness? How much control do you have over your thoughts and your actions? Magic relies on powerful psychological illusions and magicians create their tricks by exploiting gaps and errors in our conscious experience. For example, magicians use misdirection to manipulate what you attend to and this allows them to control what you see – and what you miss. However, as I enrolled on my degree course, I was surprised to learn scientists were not particularly interested in magic.

(Gustav Kuhn)


  I have been involved in the world of martial arts since I was 8 continuing until the birth of my son. My son is now 6 so decided I wanted to return to training now I've turned 40.
 I have been interested in the internal arts, specifically Taiji and Bagua for many years but realised how hard it is to find someone teaching the authentic art.
 With Sifu Waller I finally found what I was looking for!

 Sifu's understanding and knowledge is outstanding. The syllabus is both deep and broad allowing a structured development of each student as they progress.
 Sifu Waller teaches the full art not just the commonly seen "health tai chi". This is a martial art that is subtle and effective, using body structure and biodynamics to achieve success.
 I can highly recommend this class for anyone with the passion and dedication to learn a true martial art.



The real deal

Although many classes claim to be teaching taijiquan, very few are. In order for the art to qualify as taijiquan, it must to the essence of the art:
  1. Move your body in accord with The Tai Chi Classics 
  2. Train all 13 areas of study
  3. Maintain medically-sound body use
  4. Functionally apply the art in a skilful 'taijiquan' way
  5. Employ the taijiquan principles at all times
  6. Embody the teachings of Taoism
  7. 13 patterns should be made manifest at all times
  8. Every movement is a whole-body movement
Providing these criteria are met, you have an immense degree of freedom for personal expression and individual interpretation.


Tai chi or taijiquan?

What is the difference between taijiquan and tai chi for health? Taijiquan is a style of kung fu. Tai chi for health is a non-martial health exercise adapted from taijiquan.


What makes tai chi 'tai chi'?

Slow motion movement, chilled out exercise or dance cannot be considered tai chi. Tai chi is more than this. It adheres to certain parameters, guidelines and rules of practice.


Welcome to our tai chi school

Have fun in a calm, vibrant, training environment; free from bullying, cliques and politics. The atmosphere is friendly and stimulating. Individual progress is important to us.

We have a detailed tai chi syllabus in place in order to optimise the learning experience. Both of our instructors are registered with The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain.
The senior instructor has been practicing since 1975, teaching since 1995.


Invest in your wellbeing

The benefits of tai chi are medically proven and long-lasting:
  1. Chill out and have a laugh
  2. Acquire a more light-hearted way of looking at life
  3. Cultivate an unusual form of strength
  4. Boost energy
  5. Increased brain activity
  6. Make friends
  7. Stay calm
  8. Develop your memory skills
  9. Improved joint function
  10. Feel balanced
  11. Increased stamina and endurance
  12. Release deeply-held muscular tension
  13. Improved circulation
  14. Increased flexibility
  15. Learn to relax naturally
  16. Improved poise and posture
  17. Avoid strain, exertion and exaggeration
  18. 'Motor learning' - how we use our bodies, the way in which we move, the processes involved
  19. Age with dignity and grace


Tai chi for health & fitness

Tai chi for health is a popular form of movement-based exercise derived from taijiquanThe art requires low effort. No sweating. No exertion. No taxing the body.

Tai chi for fitness involves 
cross-training tai chi for moderate, varied exercise. The training incorporates core strength, psoas work, leg stretches, cardio training and Taoist Yoga.


Self defence

Self defence is the ability to protect yourself from harm: physically, mentally and emotionally. The aim of self defence is to incapacitate the attacker and walk away; ideally unharmed.

The training begins with the fundamentals of effective body use and slowly moves through different levels of threat. 
We will invite you to consider new options, possibilities and choices.



Baguazhang (8 trigrams palm) is a very challenging kung fu system. It addresses the experience of combat in a different way to taijiquan, with multiple opponents in mind at all times.
It is a highly unusual martial art famous for its fast, evasive footwork, fluid, unorthodox movements, unpredictability and spontaneity. The student avoids direct confrontation by using circles and spirals.


The rabbit and the fox

This excellent self defence story comes from Zen in the Martial Arts:

A zen master out for a walk with one of his students pointed out a fox chasing a rabbit.

"According to an ancient fable, the rabbit will get away from the fox," the master said.

  "Not so," replied the student. "The fox is faster."

"But the rabbit will elude him," insisted the master.

"Why are you so certain?" asked the student.

"Because the fox is running for his dinner and the rabbit is running for his life," answered the master.

(Joe Hyams)



Taijiquan (supreme ultimate fist) is an advanced martial art based upon ancient Chinese knowledgebiomechanics and the yin/yang principleSome of the training methods are slow, but many are not.
Authentic taijiquan practice follows specific guidelines. It is fascinating, fun and mentally stimulating. Taijiquan teaches powerful, functional skills, along with an in-depth philosophical background.  



Tai chi students always start by learning qigong first. The simple qigong exercises build strength, improve coordination and exercise the body. After a session you feel at ease, energised and comfortable.

Explore a variety of exercises designed to cultivate the flow of blood and oxygen around the body, as well as release tension within the muscles. Qigong helps people relax and unwind.


Our classes

Self defence training in our classes is funfriendly and gently challenging. Many of the skills seem counter-intuitive. We will invite you to consider new options, possibilities and choices.
To drop long-held preconceptions.


When both the self defence aspects and the methods of training internal power are seamlessly integrated, you are doing taijiquan.

(Bruce Frantzis)


Freeze, flight or fight...

The human brain responds to danger by making us do one of the following:

• Freeze
• Run away
• Become aggressive

Taijiquan offers an alternative to option 3. Instead of becoming aggressive or panicking, we seek to neutralise the threat whilst remaining calm.


Martial arts are tough

Mainstream martial arts classes typically teach skills that can be used in self defence. But, martial arts also have the potential to be quite brutal and not everyone wants to get smacked around.



Confrontation occurs in many forms and can be very stressful. It is important to handle yourself in a constructive, calm manner. Discover how to keep a cool head, avoid conflict and cope with hostility.
You can be switched-on without being macho, defensive or paranoid.


Everyday conflict

Life presents us with many situations that can be unpleasant:
  1. Hostile/dangerous motorists
  2. Macho behaviour
  3. Gangs
  4. Intimidation
  5. Bullies
  6. Problems at work
  7. Assault
  8. Threats
  9. Personal relationships
  10. Verbal abuse
Sometimes you may feel vulnerable and alone. You may feel helpless, afraid, angry and frustrated.


Tai chi & self defence

It is quite common to read a tai chi website and come across some sketchy, vague reference to how the art can be used in self defence. If you're wanting to protect yourself, this isn't good enough.



When faced with hostility or violence, most people panic. Panic is an adverse reaction to unexpected events. It is the failure to acknowledge your fear, understand the cause of fear and recognise the options you have available.


Tai chi for health & fitness

Tai chi for health is a popular form of movement-based exercise derived from taijiquanThe art requires low effort. No sweating. No exertion. No taxing the body.
Tai chi for fitness involves cross-training tai chi for moderate, varied exercise. The training incorporates core strength, psoas work, leg stretches, cardio training and Taoist Yoga.



Taijiquan (supreme ultimate fist) was created in the Wudang Mountain range in Hubei, China. It is an advanced martial art based upon ancient Chinese knowledgebiomechanics and the yin/yang principle.

kung fu system teaches powerful, functional skills, along with an in-depth philosophical background. Authentic taijiquan practice follows specific guidelines and cultivates good character.

Some of the training methods are slow, but many are not. Taijiquan practice is fascinating, fun and mentally stimulating.


Habit patterns

If you are taught to move a certain way and respond a certain way, there is a higher likelihood of your body doing something constructive.

Under pressure you cannot rely upon your memory to save you; there simply will not be time to think. You must respond. In reality, what comes out comes out.


Tai chi students always start by learning qigong first. The simple qigong exercises build strength, improve coordination and exercise the body. After a session you feel at ease, energised and comfortable.
Explore a variety of exercises designed to cultivate the flow of blood and oxygen around the body, as well as release tension within the muscles. Qigong helps people relax and unwind.


What is tai chi?

Tai chi is a form of gentle exercise that encourages a calm mind, balanced emotions and a strong body. When people say 'tai chithey typically mean tai chi for health.
Doctors believe that tai chi - with its ancient origins and incredible health benefits - is the ideal form of exercise for modern people of all ages.


Ghost walking?

In Asia, ghosts are depicted as having no feet. They float. A student cannot literally float but their sense of being 'suspended from above' should feel as if they do.

Asian ghosts don't have heavy footfalls. In fact they make no sound on the ground at all.
Many people have very loud steps. Concussive. Vibrational. Loud. This indicates weak, collapsed muscles. They have succumbed to the pull of gravity...

Instead, we must lengthen upwards and be light and silent. Like the old Kung Fu TV show where Kwai Chang Caine must walk on rice paper without tearing it?



You cannot afford to get caught-up in things. If the Way comes to an end, then change.  Adapt, change and improvise. Move and flow like water.
No matter what the attacker does, do not become entangled. Struggling will cost you energy and time. It will also leave you vulnerable to other attackers.


Walk like a cat

Cat-stepping is vital. You must be capable moving rapidly in any direction and executing a kick without advertising its presence beforehand. This form of moving teaches you how to be sensitive and soft.


Technique-based mentality

Preset, rehearsed self defence techniques don't work in real life. They're too clunky. Preset techniques lack spontaneity. They cannot cope with unpredictability and variables.
Another problem lies with thinking, gauging, trying to remember the right thing to do... This will not work in combat. You need to learn how to just flow with what it taking place.


What would you do if...?

A common question asked by beginners is "What would you do if..."  They suggest a variety of scenarios in which you are attacked and expected to counter. How do you counter a kick? What about this hold? Can you deal with a headbutt? Will it work if the attacker has a knife?

They are wanting a fixed answer. Herein lies the problem. Self defence is anything but fixed. There are no guarantees. No security. Also, what the student is missing is the fact that what the master can do is unimportant. What matters more is what they (the student) would do.


No matter what occurs, it is advisable to evade the attacker. If your opponent cannot make contact, they cannot inflict injury upon you. Agility is essential.
I’m aware of how much violence there is at work these days. I met up with friends I used to work with in housing and violence is very common at their work. NHS staff are increasingly under physical attack (I’ve noticed warnings in my local GP surgery). School teachers too, and transport staff.



People who are compulsively active are unstable,
while those who are addicted to quietude are indifferent.
One should have a lively spirit while in the midst of tranquillity:
this is the mentality of the enlightened.

(Huanchu Daoren)


I'm really enjoying the training! There is so much to learn, so I'm having to discipline myself to focus on what we are learning and try not to think about how much more there is! 

 The workshop was excellent. It was great to spend all that time on one concept and drill into it in more detail than is possible in a normal class. It was great to delve into a single subject in so much depth. It also showed how subtle taijiquan is and yet so powerful. How small adjustments can make a massive difference. It was also interesting the difference between Tuesday's shuai jiao applications taster and the more subtle essence of pushing hands. And how effective taijiquan is when you combine it all together. Plus the green tea lesson was great too, thanks.



We have been interfering with a complex system of relationships which we do not understand,
and the more we study its details,
the more it eludes us by revealing still more details to study.
As we try to comprehend and control the world it runs away from us.

 (Alan Watts)


Wu tze

'Wu tze' means to be 'without law and yet orderly'. It is how the Taoist sages regarded nature.
In his book 'Taoism: Way beyond seeing', Alan Watts speaks of how Western culture has adopted a mechanised approach to the perception of nature.
Nature cannot be understood and explained using a particular way, method or perspective. It just is.


Natural body use

Humans have long, powerful legs and weak arms and shoulders. This is because we are bipeds, not monkeys.
Many people pump up their arms and shoulders in order to gain a strong, manly-looking physique. Usually the motive is vanity and as such goes against nature.
We must work mainly on our buttocks and legs, not our arms and shoulders.



Balancing is the process of moving in accord with how things are. Tai chi is all about balancing oneself.
Rather than change the world to suit your idea of it, you change how you think so that you can really see.

Strike with chaos.

 (Sun Tzu)