lot of people are panicking about the Corona Virus and many events are
being cancelled. Some people are even hoarding toilet paper.
You may be wondering whether or not it is safe to come to tai chi class...
Well, let's compare it to the supermarket.
The supermarket gives you a realistic cross section of your local populace. Most of the people that you see are far from healthy. Be honest here?
Are the supermarket trolleys, scanners, payment machine buttons etc being sanitised after every use?
At present, the supermarkets are often packed with strangers in close proximity.
By contrast, the tai chi class is attended by people who are committed to being healthy.
We will endeavour to wipe surfaces down before class.
If you want to train solo - rather than partnered - you can request this.
If you partner with people and wish to wash your hands afterwards, no one will be offended.
Remember: staying strong (physically, mentally and emotionally) is crucial. We can help you with that.
Take care,