
Shuai jiao

Shuai jiao is a very good self defence skill.
It teaches you how to keep the body free and mobile, and see opportunities within every situation.

Students learn shuai jiao from the very beginning.


A young boy travelled across Japan to the school of a famous martial artist.
When he arrived at the dojo he was given an audience by the sensei.

"What do you wish from me?" the master asked.

"I wish to be your student and become the finest karateka in the land," the boy replied.
"How long must I study?"

"Ten years at least," the master answered.

"Ten years is a long time," said the boy.
"What if I studied twice as hard as all your other students?"

"Twenty years," replied the master.

"Twenty years! What if I practice day and night with all my effort?"

"Thirty years," was the master's reply.

"How is it that each time I say I will work harder, you tell me that it will take longer?" the boy asked.

"The answer is clear. When one eye is fixed upon your destination, there is only one eye left with which to find the way."

(Joe Hyams)



A kung fu master needs to be a scholar.
The practical skills of kung fu will not work without the requisite theory underpinning them.
Kung fu is based upon a complex theoretical foundation, explained in the taoist classics and the Tai Chi Classics.

Master Waller holds an honours degree in literature and a post-graduate certificate in education.
His main website is called
Neijiaquan: The Inner School.


Kung fu master

A kung fu master has made a lifelong commitment to the furtherance of the art.
His skills are an
embodiment of the principles outlined in the Tai Chi Classics. He can apply these qualities in every situation with absolute ease and certainty.
The master has
in-depth understanding of every facet of every exercise/form/drill/application. He possesses the ability to dismantle and explain how and why the different components operate.

The main test of mastery is his u
nselfconscious, skilled and utterly effective application of the art in combat; employing chin na, shuai jiao and jing.
Grace, ease, subtlety, sensitivity, nimbleness, appropriateness and simplicity are all a given for the master.
He has c
omprehensive theoretical knowledge and the ability to discuss and explain how taoism, martial theory and actual application all tie together.

The master has the ability to train other people to become instructors.
And the willingness to train disciples to acquire every aspect of the teaching in order to perpetuate the art themselves.


Martial arts

In the mid 1970's Master Waller started martial arts training; both in class and daily at home.
During the 1980's and 1990's Master Waller attended up to five different lessons a week, sometimes travelling over 40 miles for tuition.
He also attended a considerable number of workshops around the UK.

As a young man Master Waller enjoyed practicing many different kinds of martial arts before focussing on the Chinese internal martial arts.


Master Waller is not only an exceptional martial artist, he's also a skilled and very patient teacher.



A good place to be

The main appeal of Newcastle Martial Arts is the total break from everyday life.
We offer a vibrant, active class; free from cliques and politics.
There is a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere of camaraderie and good humour.
Enjoy an evening without pressure, the need to play a role or keep up appearances.


Before I came to Master Waller three years ago I had spent six years at four different classes trying to learn tai chi chuan. None of them had a syllabus of any kind. Most were offering tuition of the simplified 24 step Yang style tai chi, with no self defence and no regard for the health of knees or back. The classes were for one hour only and cost about the same as ours.

(John Bell)


Our school

Master Waller and his wife Rachel started the Newcastle Martial Arts school.

Students explore the human body, physics, biomechanics, pragmatic martial skills and taoist philosophy.
The in-depth syllabus is comprehensive and thorough. And you can study it at your own pace.

Modern teaching methods combine with traditional training approaches to provide a stimulating environment.


What do you get for your money?

• 2 hour classes (6:30 PM - 8:30 PM)
• 2 lessons a week (Benton & Heaton) 
• Membership
• Insurance
• Grading fees
• Personal progress page
• Marking of questionnaires and assignments
 Access to on-line class database


Having looked around for tai chi lessons for mainly health but also martial applications, what I found immediately obvious with Master Waller was the practical "real" teaching. None of the flowery waving arms about, but real scientifically provable methods to aid health and engage martial capability.

In my life free time is in short supply; I want a class where I get value for money and concentrated pure teaching, Newcastle Martial Arts meets both these objectives.



You get what you pay for

If you shop at the pound shop you cannot expect the produce to be the same quality as Marks & Spencer's or Waitrose.
The same applies to martial arts tuition.


Comparing schools

Martial arts schools may appear to be offering the same arts as one another: tai chi chuan, kung fu, self defence, baguazhang, shuai jiao, chin na, qigong...
But are they offering exactly the same arts? Are they teaching the same skills? The same syllabus?
Every teacher is different. Every school is different. The chances are that you are not comparing like with like.

What is the school's speciality?
Do they have a detailed syllabus in place?
Is the art authentic?
Can you read reviews/feedback?
Are they interested in the philosophical side of the art?
What is the age group in the class?
Does the school seem to be welcoming and friendly?
Is the school macho?
What is the emphasis: sport/competition/MMA/self defence/traditional teaching?

Take into account what you are looking for from a school.


Free lessons...

Some people in the UK expect to learn martial arts for free. In fact, there are a number of teachers who offer free tuition.
It may be worth looking closely at what is on offer:

What are they offering?
When did the teacher start practicing martial arts?
How long has the teacher been offering lessons?
Who did they learn the art from?
Is the school teaching a recognised martial art?
Do they offer the 8 areas of study?
Are you discovering the essence of the art?

Free does not necessarily mean authentic.
When something has value, people seldom want to give it away for free.



Sport can be significantly more expensive than martial arts training. And sometimes cheaper too.

How much does the clothing cost?
How much are running/training shoes?
Gym membership?
Pilates lessons?
Personal trainer?
A season ticket?

As with all things, the cost of something is relative to what you think is appropriate and what you are prepared/willing to pay...



Martial arts lessons typically involve a range of expenses. Some are obvious, some are not.
Usually you should expect to pay for some (or all) of these items:
  1. Monthly tuition fees
  2. Annual membership
  3. Quarterly grading
  4. Affiliation with a third party organisation/federation
  5. Insurance
  6. Licence
  7. Competitions
  8. Uniform
  9. Patches/badges
  10. Equipment/weaponry
  11. Instructional DVDs
  12. Books/training manuals
Many classes expect new students to buy a uniform within a month of starting a class. The new starter is often asked to pay annual membership, insurance and commit to a monthly standing order.


It's difficult to find any sport or activity that can top kung fu as an overall form of exercise.

(Adam Hsu)


A complete art

Kung fu training is thought-provoking and insightful; with lessons about living, as well as about combat.
There is nothing macho, aggressive, confrontational or competitive about kung fu.
Health, wellbeing, character development and philosophical study are just as important as self defence skills.

For more information, read
The Sword Polisher's Record: The Way of Kung Fu by Adam Hsu...


Military and police

The Chinese military and police force have used kung fu for the last 2500 years.
It has remained relevant and functional throughout the ages.
The speed and versatility of kung fu makes it ideal for armed combat, unarmed combat and self defence.



Practiced since the dawn of Chinese civilisation, kung fu has influenced martial arts development throughout the whole of Asia.
The skills have been developed and refined with each generation.


What is kung fu?

Chinese martial arts are commonly referred to as 'kung fu'.

Kung fu (or gong fu) literally means hard work, time, skill.
More specifically: combat skill. 


For those of us who’ve been involved in martial arts for some time, and have some experience of Chinese arts and teachers, I feel we can be confident that with Master Waller we have stumbled upon a treasure trove of authentic Chinese martial arts. It’s tremendously exciting as the lineage and history is abundantly clear in his approach.

It struck me, the first time I saw Master Waller demonstrate it, that 5000 years of Chinese culture and history is somehow woven into the lethal beauty of baguazhang.




Newcastle Martial Arts specialises in teaching:

Kung fu
Self defence
Chin na
Shuai jiao
Tai chi as a martial art
Hard qigong

We have been practicing since 1975, teaching since 1995.

Our school offers a very high standard of tuition from a master with decades of experience.
Students work towards a comprehensive understanding of kung fu, whole-body strength and the ability to use their body in an intelligent, healthy manner.

There is a vibrant, active training environment; free from bullying, cliques and politics. The atmosphere is friendly, pleasant and relaxed.
Personal safety and individual wellbeing are important to us.